Monthly Archive: August 2009

Estoy aquí

¡Hola! I’m actually here in Madrid!  Can you believe it?  I have seemingly a million days to catch up on, and I worry this post will read like, “And then I did this and...


Oh my goodness gracious, I am leaving for Spain in less than four hours. Tortilla española, El Corte Inglés, flamenco music, Pans & Co., paella, mullets, etcetera, etcetera, here I come! I’m sure I’ll be...


Okay, something’s wrong, and this site does not work in Internet Explorer right now. I’m not sure about Safari, but it looks fine in my version of Firefox.  Since I just sent out the...

The Final Countdown

Doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo doo… Sorry, I couldn’t resist pairing that gif with the post title. Okay, Arrested Development jokes aside, I am leaving for Spain in less than three...