The Future’s So Bright…
Who’s got two thumbs and is moving to the gorgeous city below next year?

Way back in February I applied to do another year of teaching in Spain, requesting to move to Madrid. Last year, renewals received their placements in March, so, for more than two months, I’ve been spending my days obsessively checking the Ministry of Education’s website for any updates. And FINALLY earlier this month, I received word I’d be in Madrid! And as the month has gone on, I’ve learned more and more of my fabulous friends will be in Madrid with me!
School/city placements haven’t arrived yet, and I could very well be working in a town outside the city of Madrid, but the Comunidad de Madrid is small enough with great public transportation that I’ll be able to live in the city center! Madrid, here I come!
I will provide the disclaimer that it’s not 100% certain. The last few months have been full of stressful rumors and announcements that, due to the terrible state of Spain’s economy and huge government cutbacks, various regions of the country have canceled their auxiliar programs altogether. For all I know, Madrid will realize it’s out of money, or the entire European Union could even collapse. I feel the need to be prepared for the worst, but, don’t worry, I’m thinking positively, and I think I have an AMAZING year ahead of me!

One of my favorite memories from my 2009-2010 year in Madrid: lying in Plaza Mayor with great friends, taking in the beautiful scenery after watching Spain win a World Cup game. I can't wait for more equally wonderful Madrid memories!
Speaking of government cutbacks, today, many of the teachers of Spain, including I believe all but one at my school, had a strike protesting massive education cuts. The government is decreasing teacher salaries, increasing class sizes, raising university tuition costs, etc. Yes, I get that the economy is a mess and some cuts need to be made, but when will countries (hi, America, I’m talking to you) realize the extreme importance of education? I’m proud of my co-teachers for taking a stand, and ojalá the government will take note. Although I suppose I can’t be too upset at the Spanish government right now since, after all, they are employing me again next year.
Congratulations!! Very excited for you!! Love you!!
Thanks! You already knew this, but I finally decided to announce it more publicly!
I was very glad to see it publicly announced. We have our flights booked and at least one possible place to stay near Cari when we come to visit in November. Love you!
Madrid is obviously the place to be next year! I hope that the EU doesn’t collapse, hahaha (laughing nerviously here).
Yes, your future looks bright! So happy for you! Love you!